APRIL ARMAGEDDON (Take 2): A Big Time Debut Battling an SAF Legend

We wrap up our week of announcements today for our long-awaited return the Ottobar, as we present April Armageddon (Take 2).

We’ve got an already packed card, but we think you’d agree…there’s one missing element, a key spice to Super Art Fight left missing from the show as a whole. A certain artist who needs no introduction…

Which is ironic, as the other artist needs an introduction, as we’ve never seen this persona take to the SAF stage as we will on April 8th in Baltimore.

From the wilds of Very Eastern Europe, our man scent with the accent, Baron Von Sexyful will take on the newly hatched Dungeon Master

Roll a D69 for damage, and make a saving throw vs. charisma! 

Is the dancing pen mightier than a vorpal sword? Finally the question no one ever thought of gets an answer! 

Want to see it live? Great news: tickets are $15 and on sale NOW — get ‘em while they’re going fast!